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Notice of Public Hearing 

NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Regarding Proposed Water and Sewer Rate Increases
Notice is hereby given that the Board of Directors of Biola Community Services District (“District”) is considering a water rate and sewer rate increase. The public hearing will take place:
Date: Thursday, June 20, 2024
Time: 6:00 pm
Location: Biola Community Center, 4925 N. Seventh Street, Biola, CA
You are receiving this Notice because our records indicate that you are a water customer and/or an owner of property within the District. This Notice describes the proposed increase and explains how you can participate in the rate setting process.

This Notice is being furnished to you by the District pursuant to the California Constitution, Article XIIID (also known as “Proposition 218”), which requires that the District notify property owners of proposed increases to property-related fees, such as fees for water and sewer. This serves as notice that the Board will conduct a public hearing to consider recommended increases in the amounts set forth below and in the attachments to its water and sewer rates. At the hearing, the Board will hear and consider objections and protests to the proposed increases described in this Notice. Following the public hearing, the Board will consider the water rate and sewer rate increase.

Rate Study Report: A Rate Study Report (“Report”) by IGService, dated April 24, 2024, describes the details of the water and sewer rate changes and the method used to calculate the rate changes, and the contents were presented to the Board on April 18, 2024. The Report includes the research, reasoning, and analysis behind the proposed adjustments. The Report is incorporated into this Notice by reference and will be addressed at the Public Hearing. The Report is available at the District’s office at 4925 N. Seventh Street, Biola, California, and on the District’s internet website at: